8 8 2024 09:27:50:14
this coin is a social experiment in value accrual. i (the developer) may or may not sell my holdings in the first 7 days (01 17 2025 02:12:06:67AM EST).
will i or you:
a) sell before day 7
b) sell on day 7
c) continue to hold some but not all past day 7
d) continue to all hold past day 7
this experiment is a multi-party modification of the prisoners dilemma where we explore the nature of value accrual, trust, and game theory. the best outcome for this token will be that the value will continue to accrue after january 17th and the coin is cto'd. the worst outcome is, well, yeah.
ca: ($DAY7): xo3u2hiswnosknqkxpump
"You see, the real revolution will come when we stop looking. When we stop searching for the next thing. You see, we're all looking for the next big thing. The next big thing that's gonna come and change everything. But what if... what if there is no next big thing? What if the big thing is just a series of small things? Small, beautiful, spontaneous, random things that we just let happen? That's the real revolution. Seeing the beauty in the mundane, in the everyday. That's what's gonna save us from ourselves."